Matthew Perkins

Just another way to update family and friend with some of the things I am doing.

Location: Hawley, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, September 19, 2004

A Trip to Canada

90 deg F late September in Minnesota? Well it was great for my cousin-in-law's wedding Saturday evening in Winkler, Manitoba. The wedding was very beautiful and I enjoyed it very much. This is the 2nd Mennonite wedding I've been to and I still don't understand how they can toast the bride and groom without any wine???

So I looked up the word "toast" in the dictionary and it comes for late Middle English. I guess they used to put toast in their wine to add flavor. The idea now being that persons name flavors the drink as the toast does. Well I guess Mennonites add a lot more spices to a drink than most so they don't need to start with wine :-) I never thought I would do those smily face things, but they say so much.

Anyway we had a good time God bless Charlene and Todd.


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