Screw Brew IPA
Good times with the Holstons brewing a beer I had to rename "Screw Brew IPA" Long story short...when I was straining the hops from the wort the filter got plugged and I was using a screw driver to disconnect the strainer, when it accidently fell into the brew hence "screw (driver) brew" or "Screw (ed up) Brew" anyway time will tell. I'm adding Oak wood chips now to the partially fermented wort.

Yeh who is the cute guy on the right!
AndyP says: Matt, 'Screw Brew IPA' sounds like a classic name for a beer that will sell. Budge said he had some grate stuff at your house last time.
It looks like your mining in the picture, not brewing beer.
Mmm,, tasty true was the brew I had at my brothers place! To bad I live on a dry campus (man, whoever thought of the idea of a dry campus) otherwise I would have to be Matt's number 1 customer. Hey there is an idea, brew beer during the winter, and guide fly fishing during the summer instead of all this heating and cooling business!
Dan p
I wish I could have been there. I think it was some pinko commy that invented the "dry campus" thing. Those liberals are always trying to take away freedom... I have thought about it many times Budgie, but I have too many vices that I need to support financially namely kids!
Good to hear from you sorry you guys couldn't make it to Sioux Falls. The hotel added a big indoor water slide it was a lot of fun!
How are the applications going?
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