Matthew Perkins

Just another way to update family and friend with some of the things I am doing.

Location: Hawley, Minnesota, United States

Friday, August 26, 2005

One proud slightly tired dad.

To Cry or not to Cry

Maddilyn does not like to lie down straight. She needs to be in what I call the "bent" position as demostrated by this picture. Notice the blanket that is proping her feet and legs up.

The Three Sisters

My girls on Maddilyn's Birthday

Dayna could not stop kissing the baby.

Another Covenant Child

Maddilyn Joan Perkins was born August 26 at 12:28pm 8 days after her due date. She weighed in at 9# 11oz and was 21in. long. Mother and baby are doing fine after 8.5hrs of labor.

Thanks be to God.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sunflowers and Sunsets

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Dayna wasn't too sure about the tippy boat, but she didn't want to leave.

Bass fishing with Dad.