Matthew Perkins

Just another way to update family and friend with some of the things I am doing.

Location: Hawley, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Youngest Sister Becoming Older Sister

We had a wonderful weekend with Cheryls parent's visiting. Casey will get to have two birthday parties. One of course for today and another next Sunday with all her friends.

We are experiencing beatiful weather enabling us to take daily walks with only light jackets. We have had several duck, pheasants, and 4 Trumpeter Swans visiting our pond daily.

Janneke and mom are doing well. She sleep through most of the nite last nite. Dad and Janneke got to take a 2hr nap today on the futon.

I hope to get some beer brewing done this week!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Buck in our back Yard

My first shot at a buck!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Janneke Ruth Perkins

9# 4oz smallest baby yet!

20 inches

Born 1:37pm 10/23/2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

Camping in Alberta

Here is a picture of the cousins sitting on the bench we made. Notice the nice tree fort we made in the background. We had a lot of fun.

When is that baby coming?

Here is my first shot with my trail cam. You can see a dow feeding on the apples behind our house. This is a great device. I hope to get lots of pictures of deer and the wild life around our place. Makes me feel like a part of me can be out in the woods when I can't actually be there.

My next goal is to try to get a coyote on the screen.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Went Duck Hunting Shot a Pheasant

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Maddie, Dakota, & Some Quackers

Cheryl was kind enough to let me sneak out again this morning and bag a few more ducks. Dakota had some great retrieves. He's turning out to be a good waterfowl dog. We'll see how he does on pheasants next weekend.

If you have any good duck recipies send them my way.

Weather is warm in the 80 today.